May 27, 2017

May I Introduce You To . . . . Me?

by Dr. Ellen Brandt

As promised in an earlier Ellen Impromptu piece, here are some easy-access links to my new On-Line Portfolio of magazine articles, as well as various blog series and my LinkedIn profile.

The On-Line Portfolio includes about 70 examples of my nearly 4,000 published newspaper and magazine articles, divided into six sections, with easy-to-follow links among the sections.

***** Welcome to My On-Line Portfolio

***** Consumer Publications

***** Engineering and Science

***** Real Estate, Finance, Economics

***** Human Resources and Miscellaneous Business


***** Woman's World Columns and General Features

I would also be very pleased if you'd take a look at some of my recent blogs. Here are some of the blogsites:

The Party of Yes:

Political Fun With Paint:

Destitute Ivy Leaguer, Will Work For Change:


Baby Boomers-From Anger to Action:

And here is a link to my LinkedIn Profile:

Contact me at:

If you join my LinkedIn network - 8,500 strong! - you will also have access to my cell phone. EBB

